I got a couple of Sleek items, an eyeliner gel ink pot and a pout polish. I've been wanting to try the new l'oreal renewal lash serum after hearing about it on a few blogs so I picked that up too for around 7 pounds something.
I also got MaxFactors 2000 Calorie mascara. After I wrote a post about all my mascaras, this was the one that a few of you recommended that I hadn't tried so im looking forward to trying this.
A closer look at my Sleek items: ink pot in Purple Rain and pout polish in Pink Cadillac.
Tonight after work, I went to get my hair cut. I just got my usual trim but I asked her to make my fringe a bit heavier as it always seems to grow out quite quick.
This is the finished result (excuse how tired I look, its been a long day!!)
I quite like how it turned out but I can't wait to wash it and style it myself!!
My hairdresser also made my day. My make up had been on since about 7.30am that morning, this was about 6pm and she told me how great my skin looked and was asking me what products I use on my skin.
I was rambling on and on all about my skin care regime and in the end I had 3 girls all staring at my face and listening!!
I was telling them how I used to have some acne scars and that I used a fab product from my work that really helped. They're all going to come along to The Body Shop now to come and buy it.
That product is the Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion.

As well as helping with spots, it helps to improve the appearance of blemish-damaged skin. I used this every night for months and it really, really helped. I would recommend it to everyone!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
x x
I love the sound of the night lotion - I have so many marks on my face :(
I was looking at Sleek pout polishes the other week but they had sold out of that colour which is the only one I want. Might have another look tomorrow.
@ Victoria - you should try the lotion, its only about 4 pounds at the mo but I honestly loved it. It does smell of quite strong tea tree but for a cheaper product, it really does work.
Your skin always looks fab in your pics but I know what its like when you take off the make up :-(
My superdrug had a big empty space where that colour should have been too and all the others were full. I went looking through all of the plum ones and there was one pink one stuck in the middle, so try doing that!!
x x
Love the sound of the night lotion too as I also have many red marks on my jaw/chin. Will defo check that out thanks :D
your hair looks great!
love your purchases, everything looks fab! xo
i would love it if you could maybe do ao review on the loreal lash serum once you've had a chance to try it out... i want to know if it really works, i sure hope it does :D
The sleek items look very nice....and I love purple shadows so the ink pot looks cool ;)
Thanks for letting us know about the Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion...I could definitely use some improvement in my facial marks.
the sleep ink pot looks so pretty. i been lovin purple lately
The Ink Pot and Pout Polish look so pretty! & will defiantly be checking the body shop lotion out :)
Oo gonna try this lotion, stupid pesky red marks eh!
Do keep us updated on the lash serum too xx
I have the pout polish and think it smells gorgeous. I also have the eye liner pot too. I think its a bit hard so I might melt it a little!
Let us know how the lash serum goes =) x
Great haul! Would love to hear a review on the Loreal Lash serum! :) x
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