She's about 11 years old now and she's a poodle crossed with a bijon frise. My mum is allergic to cat and dog hair and this makes Molly perfect as she's wool and so doesn't shed any hair!! This is also good for cuddle's as you don't get hair all over you!!
She hates it when my mum or dad go out to work and spends most of her time sitting, waiting like this:
She can tell if your upset or down and last time I was feeling a bit rubbish, her little nose pushed my bedroom door open and she came and curled up by my side on my bed, bless her!!

She is starting to look old now but still gets mistaken, often for being a puppy!! She is spoilt rotten and probably eats more human food than she does dog food. If we have a sunday dinner then she gets the full works!!
She has become very yappy in her old age and goes mental at the post man, paper boy and if she see's anything move in the garden, cats, birds, leaves, it doesn't matter what!!
Hope she managed to put a smile on your face :-)
Does your pet cheer you up?!
x x
Does your pet cheer you up?!
x x
Your dog is the cutest dog I have ever seen! I wanna puppy now (but I'm kinda scared of them lol) :( xx
Your dog is ADORABLE!! :] I just want to hug her lol
AAAAAAAAAAA!!! LOVE HER! I just love dogs, they are the best friends in the world and stick by you no matter if you're ill or poor or healthy and rich. I miss my dog so, so much!!! X
aww shes so cute!!
Aww, she's adorable! I have a black lab, I'm not usually too fond on dogs but he's gorgeous! Ha, I consider him more a member of the family rather than a pet, sad really! x
Awww thanks girlies, she is a little cutie!! I love seeing people's pet posts :-) x x
Aww she is so cute :) xx
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