On Saturday me and the Boyfriend went shopping. I made the mistake of going in all of his shops first and as soon as he had what he wanted, he was bored!!
So I only managed to get to a few of my shops. I did my usual Accessorize and Topshop and then came across LUSH. I don't have a local LUSH, my nearest one is all the way in town, so when im there, I love going in for a look!!

I only came away with two things in the end. A Sex Bomb ballistic and Lemony Flutter cuticle butter.
I could have spent a crazy amount of money in there but as I had a certain someone watching everything I was buying, I thought i'd better be good!! :-)
Im still quite new to the whole LUSH thing as well and didn't really know where to start. The shop is quite small with an upstairs to it and as it was a Saturday, it was mobbed.
I liked the look of all of the bath bombs, but the colour of this one appealed to me the most. I love how it has a little rose flower in the middle of it and the smell is AMAZING!!
It contains Jasmine, Clary Sage and Ylang Ylang and I can't wait to try it. I haven't used it yet as i've been too tired at night and don't want to waste it but i'll let you all know what i think when its been used.

The cuticle butter appealed to me as im still in the process of repairing my nails from acrylics. They've almost all grown out now, so im just trying to build the strength back up.
The smell of this stuff is gorgeous. Its really, really lemony without being too strong or citrus-y. It is a really thick butter but its not at all heavy or greasy which is what I like about it.
It contains Shea Butter, Beeswax, Soya Oil, Wheatgerm Oil and Lemon Oil, so you can imagine how moisturising it is!!
For this reason, you can also put this on any dry areas of skin. Knee's, elbows, hands, feet and even your lips!!
I've been applying this to my dry heels at night time and its one of the only things that has taken it away. I would definately recommend this stuff for any of the above.
It was £5.37, but you do get 50g worth of product for that, which is amazing compared to the likes of my Burts Bees tin where you only get 17g for around the same price!!
Im addicted to LUSH already. I keep looking on their website and am now making a list for next time I go.
What are your LUSH fave's?!x x